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Backup & Restore IDHub Cloud Tenant

This document explains the backup and restore for IDHub Cloud Tenant.

Go to the URL: http://FQDN/admin/account, then, click on “Backups” in the left menu section of account management.

  • [FQDN] with your IDHub Application URL.

List of Active Backups

This page would show the list of active backups for the tenant. Following data would be shown for each backup:

  • Backup ID, Time of Backup, Done by, Status
  • Only backups which are active and can be restored to be shown in the list.

Create Backup Button

  • Click on the Create Backup button in order to create the backup for the tenant. A toast message will appear that Backup Created Successfully.
  • IDHub create the backup of the tenant and once the backup is completed, that will add to the list of backups.

Restore from Backup

  • To restore tenant data from a backup, click on the restore button for that backup in the list. (See Screenshot above)

  • A confirmation dialog box would open, to make sure that you would really like to restore the tenant data from the backup.
  • IDHub would then start the restore of the tenant data from the backup. Once completed a toast message will appear that Backup Restore Completed Successfully.

Delete Backup

  • To delete a backup, click on the delete button for that backup in the list. (See Screenshot above)

  • A confirmation dialog box would open, to make sure that you would really like to delete the backup
  • IDHub would delete the backup and the backup list would be updated accordingly.

Daily backups are scheduled for each tenant at 11.55pm UTC. Therefore, to schedule a daily back-up for each tenant at a specified time, API call needs to be integrated which will do the scheduling of daily backups for each tenant at a specified time.