Connecting to IDHub
Entra ID connector of IDHub can be used both self hosted or Sath managed cloud connector.
Below install steps are for latest connector version install. To view previous version information, click here
Procuring Connector Package
For Self Hosted, go to deploy section to procure Entra ID package. This is managed by customers of Sath themselves or via Sath Dedicated Support packages. Go to next section for Self Hosted deployment.
For Cloud, go to IDHub connector subscription page here. This is Sath managed connector deployed in Sath’s Google Cloud Platform. To know how secure is our Cloud Connector Security, view this page.
Click Here to view more details about how to use IDHub's Cloud Connector Onboarding wizard to deploy the connector.
Deploying the Connector
This section is only for Self Hosted Deployments. For those using Sath-managed Cloud deployments can skip this section.
This section provides information of deploying the connector into client server.
Step 1 — Add the IDHub Repo
You can add the IDHub repo using the following command:
helm repo add sath
Step 2 — Install the Chart
helm upgrade --install entra-id sath/entra-id --set connectorUrl=<fqdn>,initConfig=entra-id --version 1.0.0
FQDN is the connector URL. This is the IP address of your ingress, which is same as the load balance IP address of the ingress controller.
Step 3 — Proceed to Onboard
You can paste the FQDN url in your browser and then proceed to onboard the connector. Click Here to learn more about how to onboard the connector using our connector manager.
Step 4 — Review and Test
Post Onboard, Go to Reconciliation Logs in your tenant application using IDHub credentials and view account and entitlement reconciliation information.