Service Request Management Benefits

Sath Inc

Product Team

User Access Review

What Are The Benefits Of Service Request Management?

Our Service Request Access Management System is used for managing IT and operational related services for everything from providing new computer hardware, or devices, to tasks that need to be completed such as installing a new standing desk.

Service requests assist organizations by helping to facilitate tangible and intangible services, used within the business.

Service requests empower organizations by standardizing operational processes and commonly requested services, as well as providing detailed tracking related to those requests.

Examples Of Requestable Services?

IDHub service requests could be anything, common examples are:

  • Maintenance
  • Travel & Accommodations
  • User Account Modifications
  • Office Supplies
  • Office Equipment
  • Device Request
  • Safety Equipment
  • Telecom Equipment
  • Complaints
  • Access badges, fobs, or keys
  • In-House Requests (i.e. mailing, printing)
  • Other custom Requests

Standard IDHub Service Requests

IDHub offers a few out-of-the-box service requests, related to the user lifecycle, which can be modified if needed.

  • Create New User
  • Disable/Enable User
  • Modify User
  • Remove User
  • Reset Password

How does the service request process work?

Service requests inside of IDHub utilize our Self-Service Request Management Tool.

  1. A system administrator creates a new requestable service request.
  2. Users are now able to request the newly created service request, from the search catalog page.
  3. A user requests for the new service request.
  4. A task is generated and assigned to the approver configured into the workflow, which is attached to the newly added service request.
  5. The approver(s) in the approval workflow complete the task, by either approving or denying.
  6. The user who requested the service request, will either have approval or denial for that request, depending on what the approver does.
  7. The user can track the request from their “Track Request” page within their IDHub account profile.

Who can request services?

Any active IDHub user is able to request any active service request.

How do users request services?

IDHub houses all active requestable services on a centrally located search catalog page.

The catalog provides all users the ability to request access to them for themselves, or on behalf of another user, with their privileged credentials.

Users can easily access the search catalog page, with the click of a button from the dashboard.

Who can create a new requestable service?

System administrators have permissions to create any type of service request needed within their organization.
How To Create A New Requestable Service?

Adding a new requestable service is a breeze with IDHub.

Simply login with admin credentials, navigate to the “Service Request” page.

From the “Service Request” page, just click on “Create Request”.

What Custom Services Can I Create?

System administrators have permissions to create any type of service request needed within their organization.

Commonly Used Service Requests

  • Document Creation
  • Printing
  • Simple Graphics
  • Promotional Materials
  • Policy Document Update
  • Time-Sheet Update
  • Create a User
  • Modify a User
  • Terminate a User
  • Lock Account
  • Password Resets

What customization is available?

Service Requests are incredibly customizable.

Users create new requestable services with the Custom Workflow Tool, and the Custom Request Forms tool.

These two tools provide an unlimited number of special use cases to be created as a new requestable service.

Custom Workflow Editor

Every resource, whether it’s a service request, application, entitlement, or role, follows a specific approval request process, known as the approval workflow.

IDHub provides many out-of-the-box Workflows, and also has the capability of allowing admins to create any Custom approval workflow imaginable, in a few short steps.

Custom workflows can be used for any requestable resource, including service requests, by simply selecting the appropriate category(s) while configuring the workflow.

The selected approval workflow, determines what the approval process looks like, from a user created service request.

Custom Forms

Custom Forms are a unique IDHub feature.

Custom forms are incredibly beneficial because they allow the new requestable service to gather all of the required information, in the required format, at the time of the request.

Custom forms include many standard fields and customizable fields to gather precise requirements and information.

Request forms are attached to the new requestable service, requiring the user to complete the form as part of the request process.

The approver of each new request submitted, will determine whether or not to approve each request, based on the information supplied from the form.

Service Access Management does not need to be complicated or require a team of IT experts. 

The process of creating, managing, moving, and fulfilling requests has never been easier.  We recognized the need to incorporate this functionality into the IDM landscape and built this functionality directly into the IDHub Identity Access Management service.

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