IDHub Support Offerings

Support for IDHub ensures the seamless operation of your IAM software by providing expert assistance in user identity management, access control, and security protocols.

It enhances the overall reliability, performance, and robustness of the software, addressing complex challenges associated with identity and access management.

This support is crucial for maintaining a secure and efficient system that aligns with the evolving needs of your organization.

IDHub support anytime, anywhere.

Each IDHub platform includes standard-level support. Additional support is available for purchase at any time.

  • Standard Support - included with your IDHub license
  • Premium Support and Managed Services - available for purchase at any time

Below is a chart comparing our Support Offerings. Grab a copy of our Support Comparison PDF.

Support Comparison



Standard Support

Premium Support

Managed Services



(8 Hour Blocks)

Contact Us

Self-Help Resources - Including Sath Community
Online Ticket Creation
Critical Issue Hours (L1)

8-5 M-F



Critical Response Time (L1)

2 Business Hours

1 Hour

30 Minutes

Critical Communication (L1)

Ticket / Email

Ticket / Phone

Ticket / Phone

Serious Issue Hours (L2)

8-5 M-F

24/5 M-F


Serious Response Time (L2)

6 Business Hours

2 Hours

2 Hours

Serious Communication (L2)

Ticket / Email

Ticket / Phone

Ticket / Phone

Moderate Issue Hours (L3)

8-5 M-F

8-5 M-F


Moderate Response Time (L3)

1 Business Day

1 Business Day

8 Hours

Moderate Communication (L3)

Ticket / Email

Ticket / Phone

Ticket / Phone

Low Impact Issue Hours (L4)

8-5 M-F

8-5 M-F


Low Impact Response Time (L4)

2 Business Day

2 Business Day

24 Hours

Low Impact Communication (L4)

Ticket / Email

Ticket / Phone

Ticket / Phone

Development Escalation Priority
Health Checks & Preventative System Analysis
On-Boarding And Environment Familiarity
Global Warm Hand-offs For Critical Issues
Post-incident Report Requests
Dedicated Senior Engineers

Paid Support Details

  • Direct access and support from the senior support team - All Premium Support tickets are handled and responded to by support engineers with advanced technical and soft skills to better aid customers with complex environments and mission-critical needs. Phone support and daily/weekly conference calls are highly leveraged during critical issue resolution.
  • Development team priority - Higher priority queue placement is given to Premium Support customers when issues have to be escalated through to our development organization for assistance or fixes.
  • 24 x 7 phone support for most issues - Local regional phone numbers are given out to all Premier Support customers and phones are covered 24x7 to guarantee that you can connect with an engineer directly to assist you and to more quickly understand your issue without requiring you to wait for multiple ticket bounces.
  • Screen-sharing, collaboration phone calls, and health checks - Our team is highly accustomed to screen-sharing sessions with customers to reduce miscommunications and delays, which lowers resolution times.
  • Weekend coverage - Premier Support customers receive weekend support for their products, standard server and data center support customers do not receive weekend coverage. Please click the link below for additional details as some products are excluded from coverage and/or restricted by severity.
  • Account on-boarding - Our team records your hardware, software, network, and configuration details during a series of on-boarding calls and discussions to ensure we have your detailed environment information available before your first ticket is filed, further reducing overall resolution times, questions, and delays for each follow-on issue.
  • Health Checks - During onboarding our team performs health checks and performs best practice analysis across each of the Sath systems. Customers can also request that additional health checks be performed during upgrades on both staging and production environments, which assists with more trouble-free upgrade experiences.

Support Response SLA's

While Sath attempts to respond to all issues in a timely manner, issues that hurt our customers' production applications (i.e. Level 1, Level 2) take priority. Production is defined as an instance of Sath software actively used by the customer's business users it does not include testing systems or production staging systems or environments.



Description of Severity

Level 1 - Critical

Critical Business Impact:


Critical issue occurring on production system preventing business operations. A large number of users are prevented from working with no procedural workaround.



  • System hangs or crashes
  • Critical functionality not available
  • Data loss or data corruption
  • Large number of end users blocked from work
  • Impact is escalating quickly

Standard: 2 hr

Paid: 1 hr

Managed: 30 min

Level 2 - Serious

Significant Business Impact:


Major issue occurring on production system severely impacting business. A large number of users are impacted by issue but they are still able to work in a limited capacity.



  • Significant performance degradation
  • Important functionality not available
  • Data loss or data corruption
  • Small number of users blocked from work
  • Impact is escalating

Standard: 6 Hours

Paid: 2 Hours

Managed: 2 Hours

Level 3 - Moderate

Normal Business Impact:


Issue causing a partial or non-critical loss of functionality on production system. A small number of users are affected.



  • Some system functions not available
  • Minor performance degradation
  • Small number of users impacted
  • Impact is not escalating

Standard: 1 Day

Paid: 1 Day

Managed: 8 Hours

Level 4 - Low

Minimal Business Impact:


Issue occurring on non-production system or question, comment, feature request, documentation issue or other non-impacting issue.



  • Some system functions not available
  • Incorrect product behavior without impact
  • Product question or enhancement

Standard: 2 Business Days

Paid: 2 Business Days

Managed: 24 Hours

Addressing Security Issues

Please read our Security Policies Page for information about Sath's approach to handling security issues.

Fixing Bugs

  • Sath Support helps with solutions and bug reporting.
  • Critical bugs will generally be fixed in the next maintenance release.
  • Non-critical bugs will be scheduled according to priority considerations.

Critical Priority Definition

Production applications are down or experiencing a major malfunction, causing business revenue loss or high numbers of staff unable to perform their normal functions. This includes security issues.

End-Of-Life Policy

Sath supports major versions for two years after the first major iteration of that version was released (for example, we support SecHub 1.3.x for 2 years after SecHub 6.3.0 was released).

For versions that are supported, customers can raise issues via Sath Support. If a bug is discovered, it will be prioritized based on our resolution priority policy and may require you to upgrade to the version which includes the fix.

For critical security bugs, please see our Security Bugfix Policy on which versions we will patch critical security fixes for.

Versions earlier than two years behind the latest release are also classified as being in End of Life status.

Sath does not provide support for instances on versions that are End of Life. The only exception is for assistance related to upgrading from your EOL version to a supported version.

You can download the latest versions of our software here.

You can access documentation for all versions of our products (including versions that have passed their EOL date and may not appear in your search engine).

Eligibility and Software Maintenance

Software maintenance includes access to support and providing product updates for the corresponding software license.

Refer to the End User License Agreement for specific terms of the agreement. After the active maintenance period expires, the software will continue to function, but you will no longer be able to access support or software updates (including security bug fixes). Note that free licenses include community support only.

Support is open to system administrators and account holders. End-users will be redirected to a system administrator.

See Sath's bug fixing and Sath Security Bug Fix Policy policies for further discussion.

Knowledge Prerequisites

Administering Sath products requires a baseline technical skill set, including but not limited to:

Comfort running SQL commands and installing a database. It's best to have a good DBA for database troubleshooting and administration.

Familiarity with installing and maintaining production web technologies

Customers are responsible for administering and upgrading their installations. Sath Standard support will guide how to do this, but we will not be able to provide step-by-step maintenance and installation.

If you require further assistance with this level of implementation, please consider the following resources:

  • Sath Paid Support
  • Sath Training
  • Sath Cloud Services
  • Sath Experts

Help With Unsupported Issues

The Sath Community is a great channel for discussions outside the bounds of the Standard Sath Support offering.

Working With Our Partners

Sath Partners (our 3rd party value-added resellers) offer an additional wide range of professional services, training, customization, and paid support.

Third-Party Product Integration

Sath products interface with a variety of technologies. Front-end solutions like Web Servers (eg Apache HTTP Server), load balancers, single sign-on solutions (SSO), SSL certificates, and LDAP repositories add functionality that is often critical to the functioning of our products.

Sath will endeavor to provide documentation for integration with these 3rd party applications but does not provide support for 3rd party applications. We are unable to provide support when a failure in a 3rd party application occurs.


Sath offers support for certain add-ons as listed in our supported add-ons list. For unsupported add-ons, issues should be raised with the provider of the add on.  If you're doing development work, visit the Sath Developer Network.

Beta and Development Releases

Sath does not offer support for milestone or beta releases, but we do support release candidates. These will be tracked with the terminology 'RC' in the version title.

Databases and Application Servers

Server Containers and Databases are integral technologies; without them, Sath products cannot function. We provide integration instructions for getting our products to work on supported platforms, but we do not support configurations that differ from the procedures described in our product documentation.

Customization and Development Requests

There are many ways to customize and extend our products. We provide source access, APIs, remote interfaces, plugin frameworks, scripting languages, and tools that allow users to add or change CSS rules, HTML, and JavaScript in real-time. However, our support for use of these customization options is limited.

If you're working to extend or customize our products and encounter a problem, Sath support is happy to help document the problem and relay information to our development teams as follows:

We can help you verify whether our code is working as intended and document any bugs.

If we provide examples of how to make customization in our documentation, we will work to make sure that documentation is up-to-date.

For in-depth questions about implementing customization, we will refer customers to our developer network or partner network.

Modifying Data

Sath does not support customers performing direct data manipulation of application databases via queries such as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE, as they can easily lead to data integrity problems. If Sath encounters manipulation or customization at this level, we may ask customers to restore data from their last known working state or to engage an Expert to help recover their instance to a supportable state. If you are confident your UPDATE or INSERT is safe and your change management system is reliable, refer to the specific product's database documentation.

Fixing Problems

If there are data integrity problems due to defects in a product, Sath will provide workarounds or solutions to these problems that may involve SQL queries. We use SQL-based solutions as a last resort.


Using SQL for business intelligence is beyond the scope of Sath Support. Some of our products have a community page for database queries. Please help us as well as the community by contributing your knowledge!

Deployment Planning Activity

Planning for rolling out our products or capacity planning for large instances is better suited for service offerings than Sath Support. We will refer this kind of activity to our partner network. This includes establishing specific upgrade and deployment plans for existing installations.

Identity and Access Management Resources

IAM Tools

Why so expensive?

Learn why Identity and Access Management is so expensive and how the benefits outweigh the initial price tag in our blog post.

IAM Cost Benefits

View our top 6 reasons why Identity and Access Management is critical for your business, and how it can save time and resources, especially for your IT team.

User Access Control

Learn more about Access Control and utilize our free Access Control Policy Template, to help establish a healthy framework for your organizations access control.

Want to learn how to cut your daily work?